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War Dogs Milwaukee was formed in 1998 by Doberman enthusiasts Carol Singer and Karen Iding. Dobermans saved many lives in WWII. The relocation and dedication of the WWII Marine Devil Dog Cemetery in Guam, in 1994, which features a larger than life statue of a Doberman Pinscher, spurred their desire to form War Dogs Milwaukee to educate the public about the incredible dedication and service provided by dogs in military conflicts through the ages. 

In 1999, Vietnam War veteran and former 1st Calvary Division K-9 handler, Jerry Witt joined the group and provided valuable input regarding the deployment of military dogs during the Vietnam War.

Witt survived 365 days in Vietnam because of his scout dogs Skip and Satan whose weapons were their eyes, ears, and keen sense of smell. Skip was a German Shepherd/Collie mix and Satan was a German Shepherd/Black Lab. Witt credits Skip and Satan for saving his life numerous times. When Skip was killed in action, the loss of his buddy was devastating.

For 20 years, Witt shared his personal experience through War Dogs presentations and events. His story educated hundreds and furthered the groups’ mission by illustrating the important bond between soldier and K-9.

In 2010, the Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars honored Carol Singer for founding War Dogs Milwaukee. Giving recognition to Singer and the group for keeping the history and value of war dogs in the public consciousness as a most valuable asset to the military.

In 2014, War Dogs Milwaukee completed a five year project by erecting a memorial dedicated to War Dogs. The monument, made of grey granite with black lettering, stands six feet tall and is a permanent memorial to the four-legged soldiers who saved an untold number of lives in service to our country. Formally dedicated on June 22, 2014, the memorial is located next to the WWII monument at Village Park in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

Currently, War Dogs Milwaukee is comprised of veterans and people with their dogs representing the variety of breeds that have served in wars. Through various presentations and events such as Pet Expo MKE, it continues to educate and raise funds to help retired Military Working Dogs and service dogs for veterans.




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